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Pros and Cons of Using PVC Pipes For Your Commercial Property

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When you need new pipes for your commercial property, such as for waste management or drainage purposes, you have a few options to choose from. One good option is with PVC pipe, or plastic piping. While there are quite a few benefits to using PVC pipe, there are also some drawbacks to be aware of.

Pro: PVC lasts a long time

One of the main benefits of choosing PVC pipe is that this type of durable plastic lasts a long time. Even though people consider metal pipe to be a long-lasting commercial pipe, it does have the risk of rust or corrosion over time. However, with plastic pipe, it doesn't ever corrode or rust. The material is also not going to start degrading over time, though there is a small risk of it cracking under certain conditions.

Pro: You save money

If you are on a tight budget and trying to get new pipe installed quickly, PVC pipe is a great option. The pipe itself will cost less than copper pipe and it tends to be easier to install, which also reduces the labour costs.

Pro: This type of pipe is good for insulation purposes

Also remember that PVC pipe tends to be better with insulation of the plumbing system than with copper and other types of metal pipe. Metals can handle a higher amount of heat, but they don't hold onto the heat very well. With PVC pipe, the better insulation means less risk of freezing the drainage or plumbing system as well. This pipe is popular for larger commercial buildings due to the extra insulation.

Con: Plastic pipe doesn't handle hot water as well

While you can send both hot and cold water through PVC pipe, it doesn't handle intense hot temperature for long periods of time. If it is exposed to boiling hot water for long stretches of time, there is a risk of the pipe warping and possibly even cracking, especially if it went from being freezing cold to burning hot.

Pro: Plastic pipe is easier to work with

PVC pipe is made of plastic; therefore, it is flexible, lightweight, and easier to work with. It can be used in many areas of a commercial building or property, from under the ground for yard drainage to in the building in the floors, walls, or ceilings. Installers tend to have an easier time working with PVC pipe as opposed to its metal counterparts.
